cloud bank

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: bank - a layer of clouds seen from a distancecloud bank - a layer of clouds seen from a distance
cloud - a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude
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References in classic literature ?
After a time, and before they reached the sinking cloud bank, the warships turned northward, and then abruptly went about and passed into the thickening haze of evening south- ward.
The blues and greys were very beautiful, and Dorothy noticed that on the cloud banks sat or reclined fleecy, shadowy forms of beautiful beings who must have been the Cloud Fairies.
That evening a great dun-colored cloud banked up in the west, and an anxious man was Goodwin Hawtayne, for a third part of his crew had been slain, and half the remainder were aboard the galleys, so that, with an injured ship, he was little fit to meet such a storm as sweeps over those waters.
The extremity being rain, which could be seen sweeping in across the lake, in a low dark cloud bank emptying its load over the far trees and offering a prelude in a shower of drops, which Isolde shared on her upturned face.
For a supposedly CAVU day, I was now pointed at a solid cloud bank. I transitioned to instruments while still VFR and entered the clouds continuing toward VOR #3.
I saw armies meeting in combat and then disappearing as one cloud bank fused into the other.
Flex-Steel Sofa and hassock my cloud bank god office.' If the phone
Titled Farocki, the film is a single seventy-seven-minute-long fixed shot of a cloud bank.
As a result, visual perception and stark reality can diverge rapidly when horizontal references are obscured, even if only in part, as in the "False Horizon Illusion." Consider a pilot flying near the slanted edge of a cloud bank. If the horizon is obscured, the pilot's internal sensor system may unwittingly designate the slanted cloud bank edge as the horizontal reference plane.